
  • Marcos Martinez
    Marcos Martinez
    CEO / Founder
    Marcos Martinez
    CEO / Founder

    Marcos Martinez is the CEO / Founder of PODER Academy Schools. He has created successful public charter schools in Colorado and Wyoming. He has administrative and teaching experience in both K-12 and higher education. He received his B.A. from the University of Northern Colorado, his M.A. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is currently pursing his Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming.

  • Nicholas Vaughn
    Nicholas Vaughn
    Nicholas Vaughn

    Nick Vaughn is originally from Bellevue, Nebraska and as an Air Force dependent ended up graduating high school in Cheyenne, Wyoming. From there, he was part of the first graduating class to receive the Hathaway Scholarship and attended the University of Wyoming from which he obtained his degree in Elementary Education. Shortly after graduating, Nick accepted a position at PODER Academy as a kindergarten teacher. At PODER Academy, he taught 5th and 6th grade while completing his Masters in Education Administration from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln

  • Misty Demoney
    Misty Demoney
    Office Administrator
    Misty Demoney
    Office Administrator

    Misty was born and raised in Wyoming growing up in the cattle and hay industry. She has 3 amazing kids ages 16, 11 and 21. Misty is also currently going to college again for her accounting degree. Working at PODER Academy and PODER Secondary School has been an amazing and rewarding experience.

Photos by: MJ Thomas